← Back to changelogs overviewYoast SEO 9.1
- Improves keyphrase recognition in the first paragraph on texts which start with images and captions.
- Adds a warning notification to the permalink settings page, linking to a knowledge base article. Props to valtlfelipe
- Adds the filter
that allows custom image URL validation. Props to petenelson
- Updates the font size of the snippet title measure element to correctly mimic Google desktop snippet title. Props to ol0lll
- Fixes a bug where the featured image was not recognized in the SEO analysis when using Gutenberg.
- Fixes an accessibility issue where focus would be lost when removing an uploaded image in the configuration wizard.
- Fixes a bug where notices were being thrown when quick editing a post and no post type object could be found.
- Fixes a bug where a dependency wasn't loaded for the SEO -> Tools page.
- Fixes a faulty reference to the old SEOAssessor class.
- Fixes the copy of the date archives help text which contains faulty information. Props to mkronenfeld
- Fixes the spelling of the words "plug-in" and "set-up". Props to pedro-mendonca
- Fixes a bug where a type error is thrown when the posts or terms focus keyword isn't of the type WP_Post as this can collide with third-party plugins.
- Changes the reference in the admin bar menu from "AdWords External" to "Google Ads".
- Removes non-functioning eye-markers for the link keyphrase assessment.